
As you click through Zammad, you will see a list of entries appear in the main menu area. These are your open tabs.


You can freely switch between open tabs without losing your work – all unsaved changes are automatically backed up to the server.

Sample view of Tabs

Tabs appear in the main menu as you visit different parts of the application.

What items open in a new “tab”?

  1. Existing tickets

  1. New tickets

  1. Users

  1. Organizations

  1. Omnisearch


🖱️ UI Protip

  • Ticket states are color-coded:


    Postponed (Marked as pending; no immediate action required.)

    New / Open (Ready for action.)

    Escalated (Requires urgent attention.)

  • A pulsing dot means that a ticket has new activity since you last viewed it.

  • Drag and drop tabs to rearrange them.